Saturday, November 15, 2014

Etymotic Research MK5 earbuds basic user review

0. Intro: 소개

Etymotic Research recently unveiled new MK5 earphones,"The isolator" series

최근 에티모틱 리서치의 새로운 이어폰 "The Isolator" 시리즈 MK5가 출시되었습니다

The Isolator series is a new line up of Etymotic, designed for noise isolation and outdoor usage

"The isolator" 시리즈는 에티모틱의 새로운 라인업으로, 소음차단과 아웃도어를 위해 설계되었습니다

Two days ago, I purchased this earphones, and decided to write a short review for people who are planning to buy one

저는 이틀전에 이 이어폰을 구매하였고, 다른 구매 예정자분들을 위해 간략한 리뷰를 써보게 되었습니다

1. Package: 구성품


MK5 earphone, A pair of form tip, A pair of white flange tip, extra clip x 1, pouch  x 1
, instruction

MK5이어폰, 폼팁한쌍, 플랜지팁 한쌍, 클립*1, 파우치*1, 설명서

The package and the components are quite simple considering its price($59 amazon)

가격에 비해 상당히 단촐한 구성입니다


you can put tips in one side, and earphone in the other side.

팁들을 한쪽에, 이어폰을 다른 한쪽에 넣을 수 있게 되어있습니다

2. Design: 디자인

(MK5 overall)

  1. Very classic Etymotic design. 
  2. It is similar to MC5 but, a bit smaller and lighter. (less than 1oz, 28g)
  3. Body is made of glossy plastic, looks pretty cheap.

  1. 일반적인 에티모틱 디자인
  2. MC5와 닮았으나 좀더 작고 가볍습니다 (28g 이하)
  3. 본체는 유광 플라스틱으로 만들어져 다소 저렴해 보입니다

3. Specification: 스펙


  • Best value
  • 6-mm drivers with Accu Chamber Technology
  • 98%(35-42 dB) noise isolation
  • High gloss finish

-Frequency Response: 20Hz - 15KHz

-Transducers: High-output 6 mm neodymium moving coil drivers
-Noise Isolation: 35-42 dB
-Impedance(@1KHz): 32 Ohms
-Sensitivity(@1KHz): 95 dB
-Maximum Output: 120 dB
- Cable length: 4ft
-Warranty: 1 year

(from Official Etymotic website)

4. Sound: 소리

(MK5 connected to Objective 2 amp)

*Objective 2 amplifier was only used for noise filtering purpose

노이즈를 방지하기위해 Objective 2 AMP를 필터로 사용하였습니다

Unfortunately, I don't have any equipment for analysis, so I had to use my ears for the test.

측정기계가 없는 이유로 저의 귀로 테스트를 진행하였습니다

This is not an accurate way of test, so please just use this as an reminder.
이는 정확한 측정방법이 아니므로 참고만 하시길 바랍니다

(Very bad - Bad - Normal - Good - Good+ - Outstanding)

-Basic factors-

Sound type: Flat

Sound feeling: 
Very natural and sightly light sound, 
(Could feel a slight emphasize on 10KHz-20KHz Frequency range)

Noise isolation: Good

Feeling of wearing: Bad ~ Noraml
(ear-buds go deep inside ears, tight, depends on your ear hole shape)

Outdoor suitability: Very good

White noise: Good+ 
(Clear sounds)

(updated)Beats: Bad~Normal

Sound detail: Good
(overlapped in high volume)

Sound separation: Good+

Sound stage: Normal+
(not bad)

-Music Genres-

Classic: Very good
(Accurate sound)

Vocal: Very good 
(Good separation)

Rock: Good

Electronica: Good+

Hip hop: Good

Jazz: Good+

Pop: Good+

(updated)House & Dubstep: Bad~Normal (not enough bass)

5. Extra: 그외

"Form tips" - Changing tips actually gives different experience when listening. Personally, I felt form tips are giving me more bass & less emphasize of high-pitched sound.

폼팁 - 팁을 바꾸는것은 실제로 청음시 다른 느낌을 줍니다. 개인적으로 폼팁 이용시 좀더 많은 저음과 적은 고음을 느낄 수 있었습니다

(updated) The earphone easily breaks, therefore, constant care is required

내구성이 좋은 편이 아니라서 지속적인 관리가 필요합니다

6. Conclusion: 결론

Overall, MK5 is an excellent pair of earphones. 

전반적으로 MK5는 우수한 이어폰이었습니다

I don't have much words to say, other than it has amazingly accurate sound & performance with only mid-low price range($59). Well done, Etymotic!

초중반대 가격($59)에 매우 적확한 소리와 성능을  가졌다는것 외엔 딱히 할 이야기가 없어보입니다

I absolutely recommend this earphones if you're looking for accurate and less distorted sound & outdoor suitability at the same time

정확한 음감과 아웃도어 적합성에 맞는 이어폰을 찾으시는 분들께 강추드립니다.

Thank you for reading!
읽어주셔서 감사합니다!

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